
电子游戏软件 is piloting a summer internship program for PhD students in the humanities and qualitative social sciences sponsored by the Institute for the Liberal Arts, 教务长办公室, 以及莫里西文理学院.  鉴于目前专职学术教学职位的短缺, 这些实习旨在让博士生探索可能的非专业职业, 了解更多关于如何过渡到“Alt-Ac”职业道路的信息, 并提供工作经验,以促进这种过渡.

实习将于2021年6月和7月进行.  学生 who participate will be expected to work 35-40 hours per week on the internship and in addition to participate in a weekly group meeting to reflect on the experience and to learn about practical steps for pursuing non-teaching careers. (实习和会议是远程还是现场,将在春季晚些时候决定.)  Participants will have to complete two informational interviews with people in a relevant field and write a short report at the end of the internship.  实习生将获得4000美元的津贴.


申请过程 & 的最后期限

申请可于网上递交: 博士暑期实习申请表

申请截止日期: 2022年3月4日

所有申请人必须有论文主任的批准, 主要顾问, 或者电子游戏正规平台生项目主任.

PhD students at any stage of their degree program can apply for up to two internships and should indicate which is their first choice. 提供第二个选择是可选的. 我们提供了9种可能性(BC有5种), 4个在BC省以外的非营利组织),尽管我们可能无法资助所有9个.

